The International Federation "WORLD KAPAP LOTAR FEDERATION", abbreviated "WKLF", is the 1° Federation of Kapap Lotar born in Italy and is the 3° worldwide Federation. Was born on September 27, 2011 from the union of several sports associations and experts in various fields of martial arts and specialized in the most modern defense techniques and tactics for security, police and military. Work in various fields and is mainly to train among its members of the individuals trained to overcome all situations and hostile environments at high risk. Especially the WKLF is committed to the dissemination and promotion of the martial arts and in particular of the Israeli disciplines: "Kapap Lotar" and "Krav Maga", disciplines designed to safeguard their own existence and that of third parties through technical gymnastic motor and self-defense arising from the simplification of forms of training Israeli military source.
The WKLF is a federation non-political, non-partisan, non-profit, based on principles of democracy and equality between men and women. Accession to WKLF is therefore open to all without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.